identify risk and avoid costly errors

Austin offers due diligence services to ensure properties can meet a project’s requirements, schedule, budget and risk expectations. We perform and/or manage due diligence activities, such as site surveys, geotechnical services, site plan development, utility service commitments, and zoning and building code assessments. Due diligence is woven into our site selection process to ensure that the sites we recommend can meet the project requirements and objectives.

identify risk and avoid costly errors

Austin offers due diligence services to ensure properties can meet a project’s schedule, budget and risk expectations. We manage due diligence activities, such as geo-technical services, boundary surveys, site plan development, storm water development plans, utility service commitments and zoning and building code assessment.

Our investigation

Austin’s multi-discipline investigation is tailored to each site. Our approach is aimed at identifying, uncovering, and resolving any obstacles that could potentially disrupt a project or add significant cost to mitigate an issue.

This involves a project closing checklist, schedule and responsibility matrix. Due diligence is coordinated closely with other project activities, including property acquisition and incentives negotiation. We complete and/or manage the necessary due diligence activities, including but not limited to:

environmental assessmentS

Austin evaluates existing reports, obtains proposals from qualified environmental consulting firms, and audits to assess the presence of jurisdictional waters (wetlands), flood risk, hazardous waste, underground storage tanks, contaminated soils/water, and protected species. Austin can facilitate additional studies and mitigation plans, if required.

geo-technical EVALUATION

Austin evaluates existing reports and, if required, locates areas within the property to define soil characteristics and determine whether conditions are reasonable based on the proposed structure and facility. The evaluation will include a review of construction considerations, including conditions that could significantly impact the cost of construction. We obtain project-specific proposals from qualified geotechnical engineering firms through a detailed RFP process and make recommendations. Our structural engineering team supports the process.


Austin will review existing surveys and if required, manage selection of a qualified surveyor to complete an ALTA boundary survey, topographic survey, and other surveys, as appropriate, to identify any easements, encumbrances, or ownership issues.

Zoning, building code review

Austin outlines the applicable zoning issues, building code requirements, jurisdiction agency regulating permits, inspections and schedule for approval process. Austin will assist with zoning changes, variances, permits and other entitlements, as required.  

fees and surcharges evaluation

Austin verifies all applicable permit fees, surcharges, impact fees, connection costs, utility usage rates and other charges that may apply to utility services and building construction at the location.

permitting schedule review

Austin will outline the process and schedule for obtaining the necessary permits and facilitate with the responsible parties, including engineering, construction, environmental consultants, and others.

Site Test Fits/Civil Engineering

Austin can perform initial site test fits based on the proposed building layout. We coordinate with our civil engineering resources to support full civil site plan development, including layout, storm water plans, road and utility access, setback requirements, and and other site plans details.

Building Suitability

Austin can complete a building evaluation to assess building condition and suitability through architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering evaluations.

Air Permitting

Austin works with in-house resources and qualified consultants on air permitting determinations, emission modeling, and air permitting approvals.