EDO and PUblic sector servICes

Site readiness has become a major focus for many economic development organizations (EDOs) seeking to gain a competitive edge by having sites that have undergone extensive planning and preparation for development . Industrial site development often requires public funding and support to meet the needs of manufacturing companies that typically desire to purchase property without private developer involvement. Applying the rigorous principles we use for conducting site selection and due diligence for our corporate clients, Austin Consulting has consulted with various state, regional and local economic development organizations, including railroads and utilities, on site readiness projects ranging from smaller, single site initiatives to large-scale site certification program development and implementations.


For more than 15 years, Austin Consulting has developed and implemented several state and industry-wide comprehensive site certification/readiness programs, including the State of Tennessee’s Select TN Suite of Industrial Site Programs, CSX Transportation’s Select Site Program, CN’s Rail Ready Site Program, and several regional electric utilities.

EDO and PUblic sector servICes

Site preparedness has become a major focus for many communities and state EDO (economic development organizations) seeking to gain a competitive edge by having sites that are ready for development. Applying the same principles we use for conducting site selection and due diligence for our corporate clients, Austin Consulting has consulted with various state and regional economic development organizations on site readiness projects.

Over the last 15 years, Austin Consulting has developed and implemented several state and industry-wide comprehensive site certification/readiness programs, including the State of Tennessee’s Select TN Suite of Industrial Site Programs, CSX Transportation’s Select Site Program, CN’s Rail Ready Site Program, and several regional electric utilities.

site identification

Identification of sites for new industrial parks or large to medium-sized industrial projects.

site evaluation

Site evaluations to determine development suitability for targeted industrial users. Evaluations consider site attributes, existing conditions, developability, utilities, transportation, ownership, environmental considerations, and other factors.

site certification

Comprehensive site evaluation, planning, and due diligence to a high standard of site readiness and documentation requirements.

site development grants

Advising governmental/economic development organizations on competitive grants for site improvements and investments in public infrastructure.

rail readiness

Feasibility of the site to accommodate the needs of prospective rail users.

community advisory

Consulting with local economic development leaders and stakeholders as site selection subject matter experts (SMEs) on initiatives aimed at improving community and site competitiveness.